Spring 2024 Activities
Available Dates
The table on this page shows the program being developed for the next quarter and is regularly updated as leaders propose activities. The club's preferred activity pattern is shown in the Activity Type column but additional activities can be run on any other day of the week including Sundays.
To propose an activity select a vacant date or dates and email the activity details and selected date(s) to the Walks Secretary at activities@newcastlebushwalkingclub.org.au
The Walks Secretary will acknowledge receipt of the activity and update the table.
While every effort is made to keep this table up to date, if more than one activity is submitted for the same date then the first email to arrive will be given preference and the second leader will be contacted to select an alternate date if possible or a compromise arrangement negotiated via the Walks Secretary.
Multiple activities on the same date will be considered provided all the leaders involved are in agreement.